CJRU is commissioning news features/documentary series that share stories of Toronto with our listeners. These will be 4-part series, which will include audio and corresponding written articles. These series are intended to delve into today’s news stories with a focus on underrepresented voices in our community. Proficiency in audio editing and journalistic practices is a must for all successful producers.
Four audio features that are 10-20 minutes in length.
A corresponding article for each audio feature that is between 250 and 500 words for us to post on cjru.ca.
Previous series can be found at this link.
This is a rolling application window from now until December 20, 2021.
$600 per series.
How to apply:
Please send your resume, portfolio, and a short pitch (1-page maximum), outlining what you intend to cover and how you intend to do so, to elissa@cjru.ca, subject line: News Series Pitch.