
Met Radio is Toronto Metropolitan University’s campus and community multi-media hub.

Station Information

Met Radio is Toronto Metropolitan University’s campus and community multi-media hub. Our station airs a variety of programming from the university, TMU students, the community at large and syndicated programming from community stations across Canada. In March of 2016 we started broadcasting on the AM dial and we’re still working towards filling our program grid with diverse and eclectic sounds and voices. Do you have a great idea for a show? Start volunteering and pitch your show! If you’d just like to know what’s happening at the station join our mailing list.


Met Radio is looking for new volunteers with a passion for community radio. Build skills, have fun and gain new experiences with us! From exclusive access to local events and festivals, to music listening parties, to workshops taught by industry professionals, being on the Met Radio team is a great way to learn about the media industry or try something new. Volunteers from TMU, high school students or members of the community at large are all welcome. There are numerous opportunities including: programming, production, outreach, writing for our website, live broadcasting, graphic design and more. To get more information or start volunteering, email volunteer@metradio.ca to set up a training session. We can’t wait to have you on our team!


Are you interested in promoting your non-profit organizationlocal business or music project on the radio? Met Radio has advertising options available for all of your promotional needs.


Met Radio hosts an annual Fund Drive generally in the fall. In 2022, our Fund Drive campaign was Re:connect and funds raised will go to supporting programming outside of the station including music therapy workshops and more. You can still donate at funddrive.ca.


As a non-profit campus and community radio station financial support from our listeners is integral to our continued success.

Purchase station merchandise or make direct donation here.