With a career spanning fifteen years and singles like 2011’s catchy and popular “Moves”, it’s safe to say that most people have heard The New Pornographers.
I was excited to get the chance to listen to them live while covering NXNE.
The band really connected with the audience at Dundas Square. Everywhere I looked, there were people nodding and dancing along to the music. They had a significant draw and the square filled up while they were on stage.
The sound for their set was improved from some of the acts earlier in the afternoon. I could actually focus on each individual instrument instead of hearing a mish-mash of just noise radiating from the stage. The vocals were clear and strong, ringing out into the square.
Between songs, lead singer Carl Newman quipped about the advertising surrounding the square. It was obvious that the band loves making music together and that they put a lot of effort into what they produce.
While their energy was good, the set list wasn’t particularly dynamic. At times I felt like most of the songs were just a slight variation of one another.
At the end of the night, the crowd seemed happy to have seen this Canadian band perform live and for free and brought The New Pornographers back onto the stage for an encore.
The set showcased their wit, energy and strong vocals. I just wish they hadn’t played it so safe with their set list.