Interview with Lisa Conway

2 October 2015 / by Luca Capone
Featured Image for Interview with Lisa Conway courtesy of Jamie Onions  | CJRU

This past August, in a lovely bar that could have passed for a hideout of the Mystery Men, I conversed with one of the city’s most ingenious musical masters, Lisa Conway! It really was very meaningful for me, as she was not only one of the first musicians that I heard of when I started digging into Toronto’s underground so many moons ago, but the first ever Wavelength show I went to featured one of her first projects, The Owle Bird! Along with being a key force in many fantastic bands/ensembles these days (Del Bel, Troubleshooting Trio, Chrome & The Ice Queen, etc), she has also released fantastic music under the solo guise of L CON, and so, we talked about her new 7″ release The Distance of the Moon, her upcoming new album Moon Milk, Italo Calvino, loneliness and love in space, the tense majesty of Scott Walker, The Tubeless Girls, finding bravery in Belfast, the real weirdness of Baby Point, the sassy origin of the Ice Queen, singing backup on Beyonce wedding jams, hamburger ice cream, unearthing an ancient artifact from the past & more!

Lisa Conway is celebrating ‘The Distance of the Moon’ release at the Baltimore House in Hamilton this Friday (Oct. 2), and is also playing this Sunday (Oct. 4) at the Burdock Hall with Joanne Pollock!! 

Head over to her website and facebook for more information!! 

P.S. This interview was hampered by a ton of audio smelliness, and so, with the help of the Juiceman, I finally managed to clean it up where it is very listenable, so there still are some cricks and cracks that some muiught find humorous and charming! H4’s are so very sensitive!

We had to edit the audio in sections, so at 31:38, there’s a shift in the sound that’s kinda trippy sounding, so maybe some of you will dig it! Hoorah!


Interview with LISA CONWAY!!! by Thenightshiftto on Mixcloud